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Writer's pictureSara L. Dawson

The Stories Within the Story

As a Genealogy researcher, I discover fascinating stories every day. Usually, the story evolves around a secondary character in my research. Most often, it is on a line of the family my client does not descend from. Nonetheless, fascinating stories about people your ancestors knew or were related to can add depth to your family story.

I have mentioned that I am writing a book based on research that a client and I uncovered during a house history project a few years ago. None of the information in the book directly relates to the project I undertook, but the stories are extraordinary and give us a glimpse at history in a way we often don't see.

The book has evolved over the past few months from being about a man and his rise and fall, and subsequent rise and fall to a group of men and their unlikely involvement in a scandal that rocked a community at a time of great social prejudice and change.

That change means some of the fun and exciting stories that intersected with our story won't be told in the book, and I hope to remedy that here. Watch for future posts about the stories and characters I discovered along my research journey.

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